Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 6: checking in

I have not been a deny-er about this virus, from the very first moment we heard it was coming to the US. But I will admit to not getting it-- I understood it in my head, but not really. It's so sad and horrifying to see pictures of lost loved ones, exhausted doctors, and projections of how much worse it's probably going to get.

I told Dean the other night that I thought Montana had started the shelter-in-place directive too soon, because really we don't have much COVID-19 here compared to the rest of the country, and people are going to get tired of it and start going back out again. But he shook his head and said that we got it exactly right. If we're lucky, we will avoid getting into a situation like New York, which became dire before anybody fully realized what was happening.

Since the incubation period seems to be anywhere from 5 to 14 days, it's not even really anyone's fault, none of us knew what we were up against when it first started. It makes me so angry when I hear politicians trying to politicize this and make it about the other party screwing it up. It's a virus, a freaking pandemic, and it's the first time any of us has been through this, and could we just cut each other some slack for once. Stop arguing about whose fault it is, get our butts in gear, and problem solve.

OK, that's my rant for the day, which is a little ridiculous since I am in no position to problem solve. Dean and his colleagues are the heroes right now.

Other than walking the dog and driving out to the letterbox yesterday to mail some cards--I never even got out of the car-- I haven't left the house since Friday.  That is not really a problem for introverted me, but even introverts need variety and human interaction. I'm lucky I have Dean home in the evenings. I'm going to start posting more often and (I hope) shorter posts. Not because I think any of you need to read what I'm thinking, but because I need it--I'm doing my best to stay sane. My #1 best change so far is to stop checking the news so often. Once in the morning and once at night is plenty.

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