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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Midlife celebration #8: adult children

(I'm not entirely sure which # number celebration we're up to, but I'm going with eight.) Both kids are home this week, and PellMel brought her boyfriend with her. Our house is full! PellMel turned 28 in May, and MadMax just turned 21. We went out to dinner last night and he could order a beer, have his ID checked, and be legal.

It's strange to think of them both being full-on adults. (Of course, maturity level is another question, but let's go with the legal definition for now.) It has only been a few days since MadMax caught his first fish at age 4, or PellMel went to her 70s-themed winter formal in a Goodwill dress that can only be described as a Twiggy-LisaFrank mashup. (I don't have time to dig up the picture right now but I will try to by Friday.)

Not being a born cook--as I know some of you are-- I'm good for about one meal a day. If I make breakfast, I don't feel like I should have to make dinner. If I made dinner the night before, I feel like you should be able to get your own breakfast together. Since we went out to dinner last night, and we'll probably be picking up takeout tonight, I made pancakes this morning. After breakfast, I went up to dry my hair, and when I came back, the kitchen was clean.

I'm telling you, adult children are awesome.

Also, they make me laugh. My kids have always been able to make me laugh--sometimes even when I was furious at them-- but it's a different kind of thing to sit around the dinner table and laugh with other adults, adults it turns out that you like as well as love.

Trivia I learned from the boyfriend: Cap'n Crunch is actually wearing a corporal's insignia on the cereal box, not a captain's. Who knew?

I'm sure I drive them nuts sometimes, and by the end of the week, maybe they'll be driving me nuts, but at this particular moment, I am beyond grateful for my adult kids. 

1 comment:

KarenB said...

Mostly I enjoy them (Although Josh is still on the cusp being 18) but currently they are making me a little crazy. There's a bit too much treating the house as their hotel and there's just too much stress floating around - Rachel's trying to find a job and a place to live, Josh is ignoring getting ready for college, Todd's about to retire - to really just relax and enjoy them. I'm hoping in a year or so it will all have settled out and sound more like what you describe.

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