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Friday, August 10, 2018

7ToF: the week in pictures

1. Remember the room-sized air-conditioner I told you about last week? It is finally working great, and it's a good thing because it's supposed to be over 100 today. The key was turning on the overhead fan. We have a 20-foot ceiling in the living room, so this is counter-intuitive to me-- since warm air rises, you'd be pushing down all the hot air, right? but for some reason that is what has made it work. It is a pleasant 75 degrees in here right now. *sigh of happiness*

Danger, Will Robinson!
2. We're going to a fancy-dancy cocktail party tonight, which is not something we normally do. I don't wear heels unless absolutely necessary, but even though this is supposed to be relatively casual, there's casual, and then there's Casual.  I don't think I can wear Tevas. I have a strappy pair of sandals with one-inch heels that I've only worn a couple of times because they hurt my feet. But it's either wear them or go shoe shopping, so I've got on gym socks with them to stretch out the straps and maybe they won't hurt tonight.

3. In the winter, MadMax ties flies (for fly fishing). In the summer, he fletches arrows (whatever that means, all I know is it's for bowhunting). Either hobby is a mess. Just saying. The table in this picture is in front of the couch in our living room. (Karen was possibly right about the adult children starting to drive you crazy eventually.)

4. Backyard friends.

5. My bookstagram post for the "books and ice cream" theme day.

6. Our hearts go out to the Californians dealing with fires. We had a really bad fire season last year, and it is heartbreaking. The fires are just cranking up around here this year, but last year we were already a month into it. Yesterday the smoke from the Cali fires reached here, which means we can't see the mountains at the moment, but at least we're not worrying about losing people/buildings/landmarks we're familiar with, as we were last year. Love and prayers to the Californians in harm's way.

7. Which brings up an interesting question to think about sometime when you've got a long drive in front of you: you're being evacuated because a fire is on it's way and you've got half an hour to get out of the house. What do you take? (this almost happened to us last summer because of a grass fire in a field about half a mile away, but I wasn't home when the sheriff came by to warn of possible evacuation, and then they got the fire put out well before it reached our house anyway, so it was all over by the time I got home.)

And that's it for me this week. I hope you are staying cool. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

KarenB said...

I hope the cocktail party goes well and your feet survive. I wish sneakers were appropriate attire at all times.

See if you can figure out the impact on your electricity bill for the air conditioner. I'm wondering how cost effective it might me for us.

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