Friday, September 3, 2021


If you're new, "7ToF" at the beginning of a post title stands for Seven Things on Friday. So, yeah, I screwed up, because that 7 Things post went up on Thursday (which will be yesterday by the time you read this). I knew I was going on this trip, so I wrote the post mostly on Monday, then I was doing some last minute editing on Wednesday and I scheduled it to post on Friday. 

Then there was so much bad news overnight that I decided I should let it sit over the weekend and publish it next week. So while I was tearing around the house this morning getting ready to go to the airport, I ran in to my desk and I thought I un-scheduled it so it would just sit in my drafts folder. But I must have published it instead. If it seems a little too chipper for the moment, I agree with you. I was going to tone it down a bit. 

Too late now. In other news, if you've been out in the woods since last night and haven't seen the news, New York and New Jersey got slammed by the remains of Hurricane Ida overnight. Some parts of NY had 11" of rain. There was flooding, and the Newark airport (where I should be arriving right about now) was shut down for awhile. For some reason my sisters' flights were not cancelled, but mine was, so here I am spending the night at an airport hotel in Chicago, because routing through Chicago overnight was the only way to get to the USOpen by tomorrow. I have to get up at 4am to make my flight, but if the travel gods are smiling, I'll be there by 9:30am. 

I'm pretty positive that's more than you wanted to know but I feel like I should apologize for publishing that post on a day when people are dealing with floods and mud and no subway and even a number of deaths, and the news from everywhere just seems like it's getting worse all the time (don't get me started). More later.

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