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Monday, November 5, 2018

Nov18 Day 5: I don't even answer the phone anymore

By the time you read this, it will be the day before the November midterm elections. I have no great wisdom to impart, no answers to give, just an observation to make: everyone, on both sides, is sick of this election. Everyone. I'm a moderately blue voter in the middle of a solidly red community, and I can tell you beyond any doubt that my conservative friends are just as sick of this as my liberal friends. We are all exhausted and demoralized to the point of despair. It seems to me that's worth thinking about.

You know, it occurs to me that our country needs a miracle. I wonder how you get one. Just start praying? (or whatever your prayer equivalent is) Sounds a bit crazy, but then, I've heard crazier things in the past couple of years. I'm going to try it.


KarenB said...

I want it to be over. I hate the days leading up to Election Day. But I'm also afraid. I'm afraid that there won't be a blue wave, that the voices of hate and intolerance and homophobia and misogyny and overwhelming fear of "other" are going to continue with no check. I honestly do fear that the human race is doomed, that 40 or 50 years from now, the earth will be close to uninhabitable and life as we know it will have ceased to exist. I've never felt that way before.

BarbN said...

Thank you for this. I haven't been quite so low yet, so it added another perspective. My viewpoint may be skewed because of living in Trump land, but I don't think there will be a blue wave today-- I think there's still too much anger. But I *hope* we're getting closer to a turning point, a return to sanity. and by that, I don't necessarily mean a return to power for Democrats, I mean a return to civility and a move away from reactionary politics ("I don't even have to listen to what you say to know I violently disagree with it").

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