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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

pictures and not much else

When we first moved here, for several years we went camping on Memorial Day weekend. The weather was so awful that we finally gave up. Kids in diapers and cold, rainy, muddy camping trips do not mix. I don't think anyone around here expects Memorial Day to be nice. So when it is, it's like a bonus--it's not just a holiday, it's a holiday you can spend outside!! woot!

Today actually ended up a little rainy (I'm writing this while it's still Monday), but the rest of the weekend was gorgeous. I took a bunch of pictures of the trees trying to catch the bright, new green colors, but they didn't photograph well with my little camera, so I just ended up with a bunch of pictures of trees. oops.

We spent Saturday at the state track meet, which was here this year. When you attend a high school sporting event in Montana, you experience why they say Montana is a giant small town. There can't be more than two or three degrees of separation between any two people in the state--in spite of being the 4th largest state geographically, we only have a million people. The kids drive all over to compete against each other, so by the time you get to the state meet, everyone's pretty friendly. The competition is fierce, but the vibe is fun.

MadMax made finals in javelin and discus, but didn't place in either. He was disappointed at first, but since he spent several weeks of the season with an injured back, we were pretty proud. He made definite improvement, and he set himself up well for next year. (And for the record, MadMax's blog name was chosen years after the original movies--which I never saw--and years before the new one was even a twinkle in George Miller's eye.) 

So all you get this time are some pictures from our weekend, because although I have three blog posts half-written in my head, none of them are ready for typing. Hope your holiday weekend was fun. There may be a few extra posts this week because I've got a lot on my mind. Or maybe not.

And because it's Memorial Day: thank you to those who have given their lives in the service of their country, in the military or otherwise.


MKJ said...

Hi from flash flood ravaged Wimberley! The rabid river is 2 miles from my home which is on a hilltop! Andrea's sister and family are also untouched by the disaster. Loved your calming pictures. MKJ

BarbN said...

I thought Wimberley sounded familiar when I saw that on the news! So glad you're OK, Muriel! and Tracy, too.

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