Friday, January 17, 2025

a couple of notes

I turned off the RSS feed since if I ever do post again it won't need to go out via RSS, not realizing that would delete the RSS feed for posts that were already up. Oops. The good news is that without the RSS feed, there were a couple of egregious errors in those last posts that I was able to fix-- you can edit published posts, but it doesn't update the RSS feed, which means if you say "it's" when you mean "its," it's going to be there forever, ha. 

Three of the last five posts were already half-written, but two of them I wrote almost from scratch, all in the space of about four or five hours. (If memory serves, I'm a little fuzzy on how exactly that worked out since it was almost 2am by the time I finished.) I meant to get them all done by the end of 2024, but there was a lot going on that week, by which I mean there wasn't much going on at all but I couldn't get myself motivated.

Also, I will probably do at least one more Migraines on Monday post because I started wearing an over-the-counter CGM (continuous glucose monitor) to see if I could track blood sugar and migraines, and the jury is definitely still out on that. I've been wearing it for a little over a week and so far it is just confusing. So check back if you're following the migraine posts. That is all. Have a good day.

Here is a link to the actual blog in case you ever want to check back. 

1 comment:

BarbN said...

I thought I turned the RSS feed back on for this post, but apparently I didn't do it right. I guess I am done with RSS forever, ha. (insert elegy here).