Friday, June 28, 2024

What a long, strange trip it's been

We got back from our annual visit with Doug's family last Sunday. Traveling always gives me lots of time to think, and I came home with a fistful of new ideas for blog posts. But I'm having trouble wrestling them into anything coherent, so I'll just tell you briefly about our fortieth anniversary, which was a month ago (by the time you're reading this).

Forty (forty!) is a long time. I wrote a post about long marriages back in 2015, and at one point I had planned on writing an update and passing along whatever wisdom I have learned in the 9 years since. But it's a month later and I still haven't written it, because I'm not sure what to say. 

We had to go through a major transition when Doug cut back to half-time and started working mostly from home. Since we moved here in 1992, he had been going to work by at least 7:30am and getting home at 6:30 or 7pm four days a week, and sometimes he would get home much later than that, and sometimes he would work for as many as ten or twelve days in a row. 

And then suddenly, he was just home. All the time. It drove me nuts. So after several months, we actually went back to do some marriage counseling last fall. We learned a lot. We're doing better. Even when you've been married forty years, you still have things to learn. 

Every marriage is different. Don't ever think you know what is going on inside someone else's marriage. By the same token, I can't see how our marriage looks from the outside or how we might look to you. So there's no point in me trying to give you some kind of advice, or tell you nine secrets for going the distance or 7 tips to staying together forever or whatever. 

I can just tell you that he knows me better than anyone on the planet, and he still stays with me. Even when we've been through rough times, even when I'm not sure if we're going to survive, he's been my rock, my safe shelter. I'm keeping him.

And also: I love his family. We had so much fun last week. 

Hug your loved ones close and have a great weekend.

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