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Friday, June 24, 2022

Hope is the thing with the feathers / that perches in the soul / and sings the tune without the words / and never stops at all

I have a post that is half-written, but I can't bring myself to finish it today. Maybe another time. I just came here to say one thing, and that is: I still believe. I still hope for a better future. It may not be one that we can imagine right now, but I do not believe that all goodness is dying. And the reason I still have hope is that I know people in their 30s who are smart and thoughtful and they are figuring things out. I know people in their twenties who are afraid and worried, but still doing their best to make things right, to act in ways that honor their best selves. And I know teenagers who are brilliant and funny and hard-working and dedicated. Those of us who are old may have royally fucked things up, but I know these kids. Whatever mess we leave them with, they will work their hearts out to fix it. They are my reason for hope.

What is your reason for hope? 

(the post title is Emily Dickinson)

1 comment:

KarenB said...

So much of the time, I feel like apologizing to my kids for this mess of a world we're handing over to them. I do see hope in the younger generation, but I do feel like my generation has failed in many ways. Not all of us, certainly, but plenty of us.

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