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Saturday, January 23, 2021

7ToF: phew. what a week.

 1. Things I've tried so you don't have to: Native brand deodorant. This gets advertised quite a bit on various podcasts, and the hosts will give you a discount code for ordering it online. But just so you know, you can also buy it at Target and Walmart. It has no aluminum, no parabens, etc etc. So if those things bother you, it's a great choice. It smells great, and it actually works, unlike the last natural deodorant I tried. But it costs twelve dollars for 2.7oz. It would have to be way more amazing than it is for me to switch from my usual deodorant, Old Spice Wolfthorn, which works just fine and costs $4.99 for 3 oz (and is frequently on sale for less than that). It's in the men's section, but it doesn't make you smell like a guy.

2. Trivia that I don't know why I know: anti-perspirant usually has aluminum in it, deodorants usually don't. Aluminum makes me itch, so I've never been able to use anti-perspirants. Deodorants don't bother me, even when they contain parabens or propylene glycol. Just make sure you look at the label-- it will say right on the front whether it is an anti-perspirant or a deodorant. Wolfthorn, the one I use, comes in both an anti-perspirant version and a deodorant version so you have to read the label to make sure you're getting what you want.

3. I'm so tired of everything. Just thought I would tell you that. Politics, paperwork, the driver's license bureau, not going to restaurants, more confusing conversations with friends, and above and beyond everything else, the freaking pandemic. (cue stirring music) Frodo: I wish it need not have happened in my time. Gandalf: so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.

OK, so maybe that's a tad melodramatic. Whatcha gonna do? It's not even that bad around here, so I'm sure some of you have had much more trouble with it than we have. I'm just whining. Rough week.

4. I may have given the impression in my reading report that we never watch TV, which is not true. Our TV is often on in the evenings (almost never during the day). We watch a lot of sports, and some movies. We are especially bad about re-watching our favorite movies. And recently we have also tried The Mandalorian, Schitt's Creek, and Queen's Gambit. They are all pretty good, but I max out at two episodes per night so other than Queen's Gambit, we're still working our way through.

5. My unpopular opinion for this week: I have never, ever seen an episode of the Bachelor or the Bachelorette. I know that makes me a party pooper and I am missing out on a lot of fun but honestly, the whole concept just horrifies me. I told you, unpopular opinion.

6. Speaking of movies we re-watch, one we did this week was Pirates of the Caribbean. Sometimes when we watch an old favorite, it hasn't survived the passage of time, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I know Johnny Depp is problematic these days, but I'm going with the headline that said his "issues" are recent, and since Pirates came out almost 20 years ago, I'm giving it a pass. 

7. I'm declaring Monday, February 8th Aunt BeaN's Unsubscribe Day. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I've signed up for three trial periods of services that I no longer use but I'm still paying. Oh, lord, the more I think about it, the more I think maybe it's four, or five. Add to that the one billion political emails I receive for the party that I do not support and have not voted for since 1980. On February 8th, I'm unsubscribing from all of them. I have to work up to it. Join me? More on this topic next week.

Have a great weekend.


KarenB said...

1. Humankind unscented. Works great, no fragrance at all, lasts months. I like their conditioner for my hair as well, but their shampoo left my hair feeling greasy.

3. same, just same. Although the inauguration helped - at least I'm not waking up to some additional atrocity every damn day. And Rachel and I are meeting up for a long weekend down on the delmarva peninsula. But I'm so tired of not going out to eat, not standing around chatting with someone after church or in the grocery store, having something that would have taken about an hour take 6 or so because of covid restrictions, etc. etc.

5. same, have no desire to watch it either

7. every once in a while, I'll let the emails pile up for a day or so and then just go through unsubscribing and unsubscribing. Todd does a check on the paid subscriptions yearly, so those get taken care of eventually.

Laurel said...

Also tired of everything. And tired of thinking "okay, this is the worst. It's going to get better.." and having the rug ripped out from under me.

"horrifying"---can't think of a better word to describe the concept of the Bachelor/ette. I've not seen it, but my preferred morning news comes from ABC so they're always promoting it. I can't even believe what I'm seeing. Can you imagine? Wow.

ARE YOU SAYING THAT SCHITT"S CREEK IS ONLY "pretty good"? OMG---I love that show so much. Just discovered it during the pandemic, and was so sad to finish it. Pure sweetness, with hilarity. I love it. But, it takes a little while (maybe a whole season?) before it really finds its voice. Love it.

BarbN said...

Karen-- checked out Humankind and they are *refillable*!! what a great idea. I will see if there's a local source, but even if there's not, I'm intrigued enough that I might have to order some online.

And also, same for the inauguration. I meant to say something at the end of my post about the hope and admiration that flooded over me while I watched Amanda Gorman perform her poem, but by the end of the week I was so bummed again that I forgot.

Laurel-- all I had to say to Doug and Sam was "Laurel said we should keep going on Schitt's Creek" for them to agree so we are back at it. We got bogged down in season two when it was just so condescending to the locals, but we watched the season ending last night with Johnny's great speech at dinner about how welcoming the Schitts had been, so we are back on board. I've heard from multiple sources that it just gets better and better, so thanks for the nudge. :)

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