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Thursday, January 31, 2019


Well, since I've been sitting here staring at the screen for almost ten minutes, maybe I'm not as ready to start posting again as I thought I was. But for those of you who caught my mini-meltdown on Monday, thank you for being concerned. I had a bad experience with a group of people I work with here locally, and (how utterly silly this sounds) got my feelings hurt.

Social interaction is just beyond me right now. I want to say something melodramatic and self-serving like, I just don't get all these games people play, but honestly, from their perspective, it's possible that they think I'm the one playing games. That's the way complicated situations work. They're complicated.

It was an easy enough problem to solve, at least temporarily. It's a group that has functions twice a year-- around the holidays, and in the spring. I helped out with the holiday functions, and it was no big deal to bow out of the spring season. It will give me time to figure out what happened and maybe I can participate again later. Or maybe not.

That seems to be all I have to say at the moment. I do have three half-written posts in my Drafts folder, so maybe I will start up again next week. Have a great weekend!


Betty Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you found yourself in a complicated situation and got your feelings hurt — and that's never silly ,it's sad 😢.
Sometimes the people around you just don't realize that what they are doing is really ugly and uncalled for.
I hope the situation will resolve itself.
And I do hope someone will make them see the error of their ways so you can be comfortable again!
Just don't be sad anymore.

BarbN said...

Hi, Betty Anonymous. That situation did resolve itself-- mostly because I decided not to participate this spring, and so far I haven't missed it for a minute. But I just haven't had much to say here. Thank you for checking on me, though. You prompted me to at least get another post done this week, which will appear tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

Betty Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you've been able to put that behind you.
I've just read your new post. You did well, because some of those topics are often on my mind too. ��

Betty Anonymous said...

That was supposed to be a smiley. 😊

Have a great weekend!

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